
Om Visionary Art
Obadiah Metivier

Visual Art by Obadiah Metivier

My subconscious inspires me as an artist to access higher dimensions of time, space, and awareness through its power.

Through my art, I seek to explore the vast and infinite potential of the human mind, and to use that potential to manifest new ways of seeing deeper into the nature of ourselves and the world around us.

A desire to transcend the limitations of ordinary consciousness and tap into the vast, untapped potential of the unconscious drives my work.

I believe that by accessing these deeper levels of awareness, we can unlock new insights, new perspectives, and new ways of seeing the world.

Whether through painting, drawing, or other forms of creative expression, I strive to share the beauty and mystery of these higher dimensions with the world.

Visual Artist, Designer, & Musician


The abstract or semi-abstract nature of Obadiah’s work allows for the conveyance of raw sentiment without fixed meaning; the creation of a narrative journey while encouraging personalization of the experience by each viewer. Inspired by dreams, Obadiah shares his vision(s) with the intention of manifesting new ways of seeing deeper into the nature of ourselves.

Obadiah Metivier


Obadiah’s creation process taps into the primordial energy of the unconscious void. Additive light pierces the dark nothingness before once again becoming shrouded in subtractive shadow as the destructive force balances the creative force. This ongoing elemental struggle weaves an abstract texture that grows into subconscious forms. An axis of symmetry reflects these forms back upon themselves, causing them to begin recognizing themselves.


They continue to combine and recombine organically until evolving into complex forms that transcend the limitations of time and space. These surreal projections of pan-dimensional shapeshifters exist at higher frequencies, at unknown angles, and at cosmic levels of consciousness.